I have done vast types of characters, from bad-ass babes to hulking monsters, though my expertise are usually centered on beautiful female characters and pin-up poses and settings. Nudity is no issue. Adult-oriented images are also acceptable, as long as the request is made in good taste, and that the request is made by a legal adult involving adult characters.
COMMISSION categories and general prices are as follows:

Character Digital HEAD SHOT. A digital head shot art of your character in 300 dpi 2.5″ x 3.5″ size (average sketch card) in RGB done in Procreate on the iPad.

Character Digital HALF BODY. A digital drawing of one character in 300 dpi 10″ x 15″ size in RGB done in Procreate on the iPad. Each drawing’s quote will vary depending upon the type of character you want done and/or complexity of your character’s design. Final quote price is also dependent on how many characters are in one image. Background is also a factor for final quote price. Pose is a simple standing pose unless otherwise specified.

Character Digital FULL BODY. Each drawing’s quote will vary depending upon the type of character you want done and/or complexity of your character’s design. Final quote price is also dependent on how many characters are in one image. Background is also a factor for final quote price. All done using Procreate on the iPad. Pose is a simple standing pose unless otherwise specified.
Character Digital Design Sheet. Price is a case-to-case basis. This means a full line art piece of your character based solely on your text descriptions. No prior design was done and no reference images are needed (though reference images are welcome if available).
Digital ink overlay work. Base price starts at $25. Final price is dependent upon complexity of work to be digitally inked. Quality of line art is guaranteed, but quality of work will be dependent on quality of the underlying line art to be inked. Quality may vary according to tightness of underlying pencil or sketch work, resolution and detail. Final work will be on a PSD file sized according to preliminary line work submitted.
Sequential Pages. Price starts at $140, but is a case-to-case basis. It is dependent upon complexity and number of pages being required per commission. Sample here.
Coloring fees are case-to-case and you should emphasize whether you want to have full colors in your inquiries.
You are getting a signed High-Resolution (300 ppi) digital image in PSD format in at least 11″ x 17″ or A3 size. If you don’t own Photoshop or any software that can open and manipulate native Photoshop PSD files, please let me know right away so I can properly export the final piece/s in a format of your choosing. You may also request beforehand whether you prefer the final piece in RGB (to be used for computer screens and online sites) or CMYK (a preference for high-resolution prints).
* Multiple characters/ elaborate backgrounds are subject to individual price quoting.
You retain the copyright of your original characters, but unless specified by you and agreed upon by all parties concerned, I retain all creative and intellectual rights to the artwork.
Requirements for a proper Price Quote (Please comply):
- Character reference images (screen shots and/ or previous artwork done by other artists)
- A general character description (personality, powers, age and anything that is significant to the commission only)
- Image reference/s and/or specific description of preferred pose of character, environment, background. (Not necessary for bust and half-body commissions)
Time Frame:
Admittedly, this is a personal weak point. I want to output a commission as fast as I could, but circumstances beyond my control tend to derail my schedule. Some of the time, when a client gives me free reign on their character/s, my obsessive-compulsive nature of trying to perfect an idea I get in my head rear its ugly head. I am truly humbled whenever clients have infinite patience toward me. And I do appreciate the understanding. I do, however, do my best to be more productive and to output more work in less time without sacrificing the quality that has made most of my loyal clients come back.
Mode of Payment:
I accept payment through Paypal only.
All prices are subject to change without prior notice. I require at least a 50% down payment before I start anything. You will be informed via email of the progress of the your commission, and will receive the final image file once full payment has been received.
ATTENTION: For first time commissioners (meaning for those who will request a commission from me for the first time), I ask for full payment of the agreed quoted price before I place you on the queue and start your commission. No exceptions. I have (in many occasions), unfortunately, been a victim of unethical individuals whose only intention is to get artwork from artists like myself for free or at least as cheap as possible. I believe my years of being in the art community guarantee the completion and receipt of your image. I understand the reluctance to pay full price for the first time to an artist you’ve had no dealings with yet. If you provide references from previous artists you’ve worked with and they guarantee you, I’m more than happy to accommodate a payment scheme you are comfortable with.
For inquiring a commission, please contact me through this email with the heading “Commission Inquiry”.